DevOpsDays New York 2013
New York City, NY
2013-10-17 to 2013-10-18
I was a college-student BOFH, an ISP sysadmin, and an academic IT manager. If I wanted a curmudgeonly sysadmin, I could just look in a mirror. Most developers were unlikely to be granted root on any systems whatsoever, and servers were carefully hand-whittled works of art.
Moving into a DevOps environment was both a culture shock and a great learning experience. I’ll discuss what worked for me (and what was challenging!) in terms of my transition to a DevOps practice.
This is a talk for teams who want to assimilate traditional sysadmins into their DevOps of Borg. It’s also a talk for sysadmins who want to move into DevOps without giving up their strong opinions on security, monitoring, and yes, text editors. (Here to tell you that it’s possible!)
Ignite - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DevOps - Bridget from devopsdays on Vimeo.