Docker & Cloud Foundry Meetups
Minneapolis, MN
Please join Pivotal’s Principal Technologists Bridget Kromhout and Casey West as they lead a joint discussion with the Cloud Foundry and Docker meetups. Bridget and Casey will cover running Docker images in Cloud Foundry’s Elastic Runtime and orchestrating containerized workloads on Lattice.
Bridget has years of experience in site reliability operations (most recently at DramaFever). She podcasts at Arrested DevOps, occasionally blogs at, and is active in a Twitterverse near you.
Casey’s experience in internet infrastructure, web app security, and design have taught him to be a paranoid UX-oriented, problem solving Internet plumber; his earliest contributions to Perl live to this day on your Mac.
First installment of Cloud Native on the Meetup Circuit.
@bridgetkromhout @caseywest doing it up @TCCFMeetup #cloudfoundry
— Andrew Ripka (@rippmn) December 2, 2015
@bridgetkromhout and @caseywest speaking at a #docker #meetup tonight
— John Hoaglun (@JHoaglun) December 2, 2015
@bridgetkromhout and @caseywest at the joint MSP Cloud Foundry/ Docker Meetup!
— Dave Strebel (@dave_strebel) December 2, 2015
.@bridgetkromhout @caseywest "...and some people are docker-curious." #pivotal
— Matt Genelin On Ops (@magellanOnOps) December 2, 2015
Would like to thank @bridgetkromhout and @caseywest for their time and great talk tonight at the MSP Cloud Foundry\Docker Meetup!
— Dave Strebel (@dave_strebel) December 2, 2015
.@caseywest @bridgetkromhout Great talk, people. Also, loved that improvised part between Dev and Ops people faux fighting. More of that!
— Matt Genelin On Ops (@magellanOnOps) December 2, 2015
.@caseywest @bridgetkromhout Of course! Murphy's law of presentations: If internet is needed for live demo, part of internet will break.
— Matt Genelin On Ops (@magellanOnOps) December 2, 2015
back to reality after a great day with @bridgetkromhout and @caseywest spreading the #pivotalcloudfoundry word.
— Andrew Ripka (@rippmn) December 2, 2015
@bridgetkromhout Much thanks to you and @caseywest for your great preso to the docker-curious last night!
— jorn jorn of the arctic interwebz (@jorn_knuttila) December 2, 2015
Thanks to @caseywest for coming to MSP (bringing his ideas & energy) & @rippmn for spending all day sharing with us!
— Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) December 2, 2015