DevOpsDays Pittsburgh 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
2014-05-29 to 2014-05-30
This is a five-minute Ignite lightning talk.
I’m told DevOps isn’t a title, team, or task, but (perhaps because my hiring manager trolled me by putting it in my title), people ask me how they can get DevOps, like it’s a prize at the bottom of a cereal box. I’ll give you the five-minute version of what I say when someone asks me how to make their sysadmin job description “more DevOpsy”, what resources I suggest to fellow traditional sysadmins who want to try to DevOps up their skills, and how I have made peace with my erstwhile mortal frenemies who put the Dev in Ops.
Loving watch @bridgetkromhout kill her ignite about Devops and change. #devopsdayspgh
— Pete Cheslock (@petecheslock) May 29, 2014
easy to get stuck in the past, things change, kling to the past or embrace the future.. @bridgetkromhout @devopsdayspgh
— steve timko (@GBTimko) May 29, 2014